Whether you are a consultant or a small business owner, you might agree meetings can be a huge waste of time. One reason can be office meeting rooms are often inefficiently designed. From spotty internet connection to poorly functioned audio and visual equipment, there are many ways to make your meeting rooms more functional and safer.
1. Space Layout and Design
Meeting rooms are not only used by your team members, but it also serves many different purposes. You might want to consider how the space welcomes new guests or clients with accessible and flexible design and environments. Meeting rooms should create a collaborative working environment where employees can not only meet socially, they can also work together as a team. In some cases, meeting rooms should be able to offer privacy for private meetings or for team members to work independently. A mix of open and closed working spaces would offer the perfect solution. Meeting rooms should be also equipped with a stable Wi-Fi connection with accessible chargers and cords for tablets or PCs for a group meeting or it should also offer comfortable chairs and a large conference desk where everyone can work collectively.
2. Booking System
Meeting rooms should be equipped with essential business tools and technologies to increase productivity and save time. Having a meeting room scheduling system along with company calendars will help to schedule meetings more efficiently and to maximize the use of the space. Also, it would be beneficial to maintain an email or text notification system to confirm reservations or cancellations. Today’s modern meeting rooms should be filled with these elements to promote creativity and productivity.
3. Lighting and Audio
Everyone feels happy about natural light, fresh air, windows with dimmers to block the light as needed. Then, controlled temperature where you and clients can sit comfortably and engage in productive talks without disturbance. High-quality sound is another core aspect of a more efficient meeting room. Echo-free room with proper sound insulation is the next big thing.
4. Visual Displays
Modern meeting rooms should be equipped with a TV or monitor with proper adaptors for presenting and sharing information in person or virtually. For example, having wireless connections like Apple TV or Chromecast can also make meeting rooms even more streamlined and efficient. Specially, during the current COVID-19 pandemic, many people work remotely and up-to-date video or zoom conferencing software is a must.
Next time you need to find a meeting room in Orange County, you should check out ZworkSpace’s meeting room. Click here for more info.